my short term goal

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

day 2.

hari kedua.
hari ini aku gagal lawan nafsu aku :(
sedih sangat.
pagi dan tengahari on right track lagi.
tiba2 petang abah bawak balik cream pufff & pisang goreng.
alang-alang dah terbatal, aku pun g goreng roti canai segera 2 keping.

nak nangis lah cam ni.
kenapa lah teruk sangat aku ni.
dah la esok nak gerak g bangi.
ada inteview.
sah2 lah aku melantak je apa yang ada:((

Monday, July 5, 2010

induction -day 1-

  • hotdog 2 batang
  • air kosong 4 gelas

  • chicken breast with veggie (reka sendiri.main campak je)
  • air kosong 4 gelasBold
  • hotdog sebatang

  • ikan separuh ekor
  • ayam goreng seketul
  • sayur air semangkuk

Sunday, July 4, 2010


this is my second attempts in atkins diet. before this i've tried atkins for 8days, i guess. i do lost weight. but i'm such a quit-er. when my weight doesn't lost, i quit atkins. previously in 6day with atkins i have lost 2kg. :)

atkins work for me. but with a great disiplin. for a start, i need to lose 8 kg for my convocation day on 8th of August. i love to take pictures. but i'm always look ugly in the pics. so i need to lost weight so i can take pics without worrying i'm gonna look fat & ugly :). its also for my health. my doctor once suggest me to lose weight so that i;m not gonna get diebetic & high blood pressure.

wish me luck :) *fingers cross*